Tuesday 2 July 2013

Website Review - IMCreator

IM-Creator is a new way to create your website: choose a design, insert your content and publish it to the world – all in one simple, clear and seamless process.

We initially built IM-Creator as a solution for our friends & family- they were in need of a website but the process frustrated them.
It was just too complicated, expensive and confusing- they spent time & money but many of them gave up even before completing the process.

We decided to solve it.

IM-Creator is all about making website building a simple and enjoyable experience, accessible for everyone.

Our team of web-design professionals and developers will make sure you always have the finest collection of web-designs, easiest editing environment and reliable hosting, all so you’ll have a great sustainable website.

IM-Creator is powered by Google & Amazon, creating robust and reliable foundations for your website.

How does it work?

Step 1 – Choose a Design: each month we publish dozens of new templates to accommodate your needs: portfolio websites for designers, photographers and artists, websites for business professionals, websites for restaurants and more. Check out our catalog and choose the design that will fit you best. All templates are wisely-structured and come with compelling and relevant content, so they’re pretty close to completion. Our goal is to provide you an “almost-done” site.

Step 2 – Customize: after selecting a design, you can start inserting your content – text, pictures, videos etc. It’s all very simple. Just click on the element you wish to edit and insert your content. IM-Creator will then adapt your content to the existing design, hassle-free for you.
All of our designs come with suggested structure and pages. However, you can always change it as you wish and add/delete pages. Simple and flexible.
If you encounter any issues when you create your site, click on the “support” tab and the IM-Creator support team and community will be there to assist you.

Step 3 – Publish: once you finished creating your website, you can connect it to your existing domain or purchase a new one. It’s a fast & easy process and at the end you’ll have a live, easy to update and Google-friendly website (you can even have your own email!)
Start now, creating the website is free.

IM-Creator for web designers:

IM-Creator allows you, the web designer, to provide a better solution for your clients.  Through our tools, you will be able to design websites faster without the need of expensive developers. In addition, you will be able to provide your clients with simple & flexible tools for them to freely update the website. The tools and designs are all provided free for your use.
As a designer, you will be able to offer your clients to choose an existing design from our catalog or create a brand new one. After, your client can log in, insert his or her content and you will be able to focus on the design.
In any case, you won’t need to deal with HTML coding or any of the technical aspects of hooking up the site to a domain and hosting.

For awesome webdesigns and highly complex Web Apps Development get in touch with Raghav 09902035965 or mail raghav@ravinatechnologies.com

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